Difference between trust and foundation

A trust is essentially an agreement between two parties, the settlor and the trustee, and it does not need to registered to be effective. Pursuant to a trust deed, the settlor will transfer his properties to the trustee, where the trustee will then hold on to all the properties but for the sole benefit of […]

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How is a Trust Taxed?

The taxation of trusts is not straightforward. Because a trust is a relationship, not a person, it does not fit neatly in the categories of individual or corporation. Further, even though the trustee has legal title to the trust assets, the assets really belong to someone else, i.e. the beneficiary or beneficiaries. Despite this, most […]

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Foundations – a Trust Alternative

The ADGM has been promoting foundations as a vehicle for wealth and estate planning. Many people think of foundations as philanthropic organizations. However, ADGM foundations have great utility as a vehicle for private family wealth and especially family offices. ADGM foundations combine characteristics of trusts and corporations – assets are managed by directors of the […]

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UAE Trusts and Foundations for Tax-efficient Wealth Preservation

Trusts have been around a long time. Even though the Dubai International Finance Centre (DIFC) and the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM), both free zones with their own bespoke legal systems, only introduced trusts in recent years, trusts and similar legal instruments have a long history spanning multiple legal systems. The trust most familiar to […]

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اهمية الذكاء الاصطناعي

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مدة الاحتفاظ بالمستندات الثبوتية الخاصة بالضرائب

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ما هو الافلاس و الاعسار

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مفهوم ضريبة الشركات

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ضمن المشاركة في الجهود التي تبذلها الجهات المحلية في دولة الامارات العربية شاركت ” اتش اي بي محاسبون قانونيون ” بالتعاون مع “مجموعة بن حريز القابضة” والتي سخرت امكانياتها الفنية والبشرية في أعمال النظافة للحد من آثار الامطار المتجمعة بسبب منخفض الهدير.

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ضمن المشاركة في الجهود التي تبذلها الجهات المحلية في دولة الامارات العربية شاركت ” اتش اي بي محاسبون قانونيون ” في أعمال النظافة للحد من آثار الامطار المتجمعة بسبب منخفض الهدير

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كل عام وانتم بخير

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توزيع الايرادات داخل الاقرار الضريبي

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شروط اعفاء الصندوق العقاري العام من ضريبة الشركات

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تصفية الشركات وإغلاق الرخص التجارية

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